Monday, July 18, 2016

Your Other Left: Micro-Aggression Re-Education Begins After Recess

Some students at Brown University are meeting in secret to practice their first amendment privilege.
In related news: All Bolsheviks, brownshirts, and Salon readers should meet in the quad beneath the black standard emblazoned with the white shahada to receive your throwing rocks and torches.
The first 50 students to arrive will receive a complimentary copy of Noam Chomsky's latest pamphlet: 1000 Years of American Genocide, now available in paperback with a new foreword by Supreme Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei.
Note: Don't forget to look in the back of the latest issues of Adbusters and Dabiq for your Guy Fawkes cut-out mask.
After protesting the secret society of microaggressors, all students* are welcome to play with legos in the campus safe space.Gluten free, non-GMO, organic cookies and soy milk will be served.If you suspect that your skin, height, genitalia, weight, GPA or bank account balance might invalidate the experiences of other students then please stay in your dorm. Someone will be by later to call you names.
* Excluding white cisgendered male heterosexual atheists, Jews and anyone listed on the student union list of oppressors and offenders.

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