That the Sultan just can't take a joke.
If the world were a dairy,
Deutschland is the canary,
But Europe, dear friends, is the goat.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel seems to have abandoned western liberal principles. Her motivation may not be clear, but her choice to authorize prosecution of German comedian Jan Bohmermann for a satirical joke about the president of Turkey disqualifies her from political leadership positions in civil society. Bohmermann is to be charged with violating an obscure law against contumely of foreign representatives, a ridiculous law which Chancellor Merkel said will be discarded by 2018.
"Before they hit the big time, Angie and Erdo met on the City Council in Peoria."
The querulous leader of the Justice and Development Party or AKP, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is a burgeoning dictator, Ottoman nostalgist and EU extortionist rumored to be an avid lover of animals and habitual MDMA abuser.* Erdogan has a temper and he routinely takes time out of his busy schedule of ridding Turkey of its free press, dismantling its democracy, praising Hitler, sheltering ISIS, bombing Kurds, and counting Euros to round up children and journalists who criticize him. It is a moral imperative that he be subjected to execration and obluquy on a scale no international public figure has experienced.
(*Help start this rumor by using these hashtags: #ErdoganSwine #ErdoganIsAPigDiddler #ErdoganBlowsGoats #InsultErdogan)
"After one too many whip-its, they got that look in their eyes: they danced until dawn. At lunch time dancing was banned in Germany."
Merkel is only the most embarrassing of the many western milksop "liberals" currently doing everything they can to push people into the arms of the far right. The term regressive left is overused and often misused. This is what it actually means: self identified lefties, progressives and liberals who embrace, apologize for, lie about and defend illiberal or fascist ideologies, actors and concepts for the sake of political correctness, identity tribalism or ideological motives; liberals who abandon liberal principles, intellectual honesty and objective truth for the sake of political orthodoxy or other unscrupulous motivations.
We don't need a new term for a bastard like Erdogan. He is pure swine.
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